Welcome to

Immicor Firearms Training

Our mission is to provide the best safe, effective, and realistic firearms training.

We believe that all citizens should obtain the skills necessary to protect themselves and others from severe or deadly bodily harm.


Immicor Firearms Training

IFT believes that everyone, who so desires, be properly prepared to protect themselves. With that in mind, our team of dedicated individuals are eager to assist members of the surrounding communities in doing so. Our core drive in all of our courses surrounds the safety. Safety drives responsible gun ownership from the day of purchase to the day the first bullet is fired.

We especially appeal to first time gun users or owners. For females, we provide a patient and nurturing environment where a woman can go from being scared of a pistol to loading and firing it with confidence.

Debbie Duran is an NRA Certified pistol instructor and Certified handgun instructor with the State of Maryland. Ms. Duran works with all individuals, regardless of class, ethnicity, socio economic or racial background. Classroom classes are total fun while learning important gun related information.


Continental Arms in Timonium

First Time Gun Owner

Immicor Firearms TRAINING


MD Handgun Qualification License (HQL)

The class provides shooters an introduction to the fundamentals, knowledge, skills, and attitude needed to obtain the H.Q.L. license.

Our Courses

MD Conceal Carry Wear Training (CCW)

MD Conceal Carry Wear Training (CCW) is Our most popular course we offer, CCW takes each student down a path that is VERY structured.

Handgun Qualification License + Basic Pistol

Women's Basic Firearms & Defense Classes

Women’s Basic Firearms & Defense Classes is an incredible opportunity to partner with other women in a trusting...

Basic Pistol + First time Gun Onwer

If you had a pistol for a while or just got one, this course is for you. This course gets you NRA certified in Basic Pistol usage.

Dont Be A Victim

Be ready to defend your life if 911 does not get to you intime.

Private individual Classes

Private Individual Classes is a great opportunity to get some one-on-one with an expert at a great price.

Everyone Deserves The Chance To Learn With Us

Our Gallery

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